Fertility Consultation


Knowledge is Comfort

This is especially true for those going through fertility treatment. Knowing what happens in the laboratory can be comforting and give people a feeling of control over their situation. Understanding the process can provide reassurance that every step has been taken to ensure successful outcomes. It's important for those considering or undergoing infertility treatments to understand how embryos are created, monitored, and transferred into the uterus during IVF cycles. With this knowledge comes peace of mind that everything possible is being done to make their dream a reality.

Dr. Molinari has been in the fertility field for over ten years and is the former lab director at two world renowned IVF clinics in the New York tri-state area. Dr. Molinari is an advocate for attentive embryo care, believing that quality control in the laboratory setting is essential for successful IVF outcomes.

During your consultation, you’ll be able to ask Dr. Molinari for detailed explanations and recommendations, and also will be given the chance for her to take a look at your lab records. This is the ultimate workshop for those going through an IVF or Egg donor cycle.